A common next step after pursuing a Private or Commercial Pilot Certificate, the Instrument Rating turns pilots into true aviators. Learn how to safely command your aircraft across a wide envelope of meteorological conditions, providing you and your passengers with even more peace of mind. Use the aircraft to the full extent of its capabilities by shooting instrument approaches, perfecting holding patterns, and improving your aeronautical decision-making skills.
Los Angeles, and specifically Van Nuys Airport, offers the perfect training environment for your instrument rating. A multitude of large airports exists in close proximity to each other, making the airspace complex and congested, in turn making you a better pilot. Furthermore, Southern California's unique climate and geography provide the opportunity to train in real weather, ensuring that you will be ready not only for your check-ride, but also for the lifetime of flights that come afterwards.
Contact us today to speak or meet with an instructor and learn more about getting your Instrument Rating!
Instrument Rating